Thursday, April 3, 2008

Take your MEDS!!

So how can I complain that I don't feel well if I am not taking my meds like I'm supposed to?
Well, DUH I'm not feeling good!
I take thyroid medication - twice a day (supposed to that is) - and it makes me feel better when I take it like I'm supposed to. I also take Cymbalta for my mental/emotional support - I've been out of those pills for a few days now.

All I feel like doing is sleeping and crying - I feel soooooo horrible! Why do I do this to myself? I honestly don't know! But I am going today to get my Cymbalta refilled and heading into the kitchen now to take my thyroid medication.

*bangs head on desk*


I hope it kicks in soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Angie!

Sorry to hear about what you are going through. Been there and done that.

*wagging finger* Take your meds on schedule! You can get really messed up.

Miss you! HUGS!